My Class in a Pick-Up Truck!
/There are magical and fun moments every day. And there are also those moments where you think, "This is crazy. Pure crazy." Eventually the crazy become reality, and we participate in the craziness without hesitation. Such was the case yesterday.
After the all school rehearsal of the Nutcracker in the center of town, all of the students and teachers were walking the 1 mile back to school. Just as my class was leaving the building, a parent noted that he had a truck and would be happy to carry stuff back for us. I jokingly said, "How about the class?" He, not joking, said, "Sure." And then we became the crazy.
I've been wanting to stand on the truck bumper and hold on for a while. I finally had my chance.
Just as we were pulling away, it dawned on me that we'd likely be passing Ken. So, while holding onto the truck bumper, I called him. He stepped outside of a local cafe and snapped a few pictures.
The kids loved high fiving him as we drove past.
Guatemala is a so much fun!