Exploring the world and dragging the kids along!
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In this post we detail how we landed our house sitting gig and tell you how you can too.
Ever wonder what it costs to live abroad? I breakdown the recurring costs for our family of four while living in Panajachel, Guatemala.
Names can be a tricky thing when travelling Internationally. Our daughter's name "Elle" means "he" in Spanish. Here's what she decided to do about it.
It took us two tries but we found the natural hot springs in Santa Catarina Palopó in Lake Atitlan! We had heard about the hot springs from several friends that have lived around the lake for years. The first time we went looking for them we had no luck but this time we found them.
Stolen DVD's and reckless driving resulted in a riot in Panajachel. The outcry from the citizen's and the response from the police were very interesting.
After five days in Panama City it was time to pay up on my promise to give Mick a beach for Christmas. We were off to Venao Cove.
Fire! FIRE! Our school guardian (custodian with way more responsibility than the typical US custodian) walked to it with a bucket of water. While it wasn't a huge fire, it was probably more than one man should take on. Rather quickly we gathered the troops.
We spent an amazing day in Santiago and Sumpango joining in the celebrations for Day of the Dead. The culture was rich and the kites were amazing.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico is known as an expat haven with an artist community. We love it and had a blast here.
About Us
In November 2013 we left the kids at home with members of our extended family and flew off to Guatemala for a 12 day vacation. It changed our life and inspired us to embark on an adventure for the whole family.
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Yes, Guatemala! It's gorgeous, it's fun, the people are amazing and it was our home for 10 months.